Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow Jam 2011

Well, between Christmas break and Snow Jam '11, I've been able to get a ton completed for our adoption!  I think on my end I've either completed, or requested, all the paperwork that is needed.  Tomorrow we will have our 2nd of 3 homestudy meetings.  The 3rd meeting will be at our house.  My goal has been to have all of my paperwork and homestudy meetings completed by the end of January.  And, so far that's going well.

I was excited this week to talk with a Mom who is leaving Saturday for St. Petersburg to pick up her baby girl.  This is their 3rd and final trip.  They are using our agency.  They began their adoption in January 2010.  She had nothing but great things to say about our agency and the help they've received while in Russia.

1 comment:

  1. Hello my sweet friend!!! I am sooo excited about your blog! I am praying for that sweet new addition to your beautiful family. It is amazing how God has brought us together, knowing all along, it was not just to beautify your home (homes) ;), but to get to share in growing our families through adoption... He is sooo omniscient!! ;) Since we are on the s..l..o..w boat to China, I may have to live vicariously through you. You are the organization miester!! We started our paperwork in June 2010....hopefully I will only have to be paper pregnant for 12months!! XOXO
