Even though we had our last home study meeting at the end of January, it took a month to get the home study written and put together. So, around the 21st of February we received a draft of the report. We revised it, as did our adoption agency, and it was edited, etc. My caseworker had also received our original FBI fingerprint cards and state criminal clearances. Finally, our agency approved our home study + received all clearances! Then, they mailed us some Russian paperwork that you don't receive until your home study has been accepted. We signed it and mailed it yesterday. Now, we will be in the group of families waiting for a baby :)! We're sooooo excited - we're one big step forward.
Also, during the past month ,we decided that we will take along H and J for the 3rd trip to pick up the baby. It will be about a 2 week trip. I've spent most of the month figuring out and gathering paperwork for H and J. Their Russian passports expired in 2009 and they don't have U.S. Passports. The short version is that they HAVE to enter Russia on a Russian passport since they are Russian citizens. Russia will not issue them a visa for travel. But, they will re-enter the U.S. on a U.S. Passport - uggggghhh. To get a Russian passport renewed, the paperwork has to be filled out in Russian and delivered to the consulate in Washington, D.C. I had to hire a passport service to complete all of this for them. Finally, I think we're set - and their new Russian passports and U.S. Passports should be delivered soon!